Archives for June 2014

Whole Foods Cooking Class Part 4

My whole foods cooking class came to an end this evening… but the good news is the RAW foods class starts up next Monday! WOO HOO! Raw food is an area I’d love to learn more about, so I’m looking forward to that class. But today, I was still cooking in the kitchen. I decided to try a 3-bean hummus that contained garbanzo beans, northern beans and kidney beans! We LOVE traditional hummus in this house and we make it quite often, but whenever I’ve tried other hummus’, I’ve never really been a big fan. I was hoping my experiment with this new hummus would be a positive one, and it was, after a little tweaking of the original recipe. (The original recipe was modified from one of my favorite cookbooks, 1,000 Vegan Recipes by Robin Robertson.)

This was extraordinarily easy – which I loved since I was short on time today. (In addition to making this recipe, I also had to make a dish to bring to class! That will be posted tomorrow! 🙂

I simply combined all of the below ingredients into the food processor in order listed and processed until smooth. So beans first, etc, etc.

1 cup canned white beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup canned garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup canned kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 garlic clove, pressed
1 tbsp green onions, chopped
1/3 cup of your favorite, fresh salsa
1 tbsp Kirkland brand, Organic No-Salt Seasoning (or something similar)
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp Pink Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp garlic salt
Freshly ground black pepper – to taste
A little water to keep things moving if needed…

The slideshow below also gives a good visual of how I prepared this. 🙂 When I followed the recipe to a T, it was quite bland so I had to add some things to spruce it up! Once I did, I really enjoyed it! It was fun to experiment with a new hummus, using beans I don’t typically use… and that Kirkland organic spice was new too! I can see myself making this again, and I think it would be a great addition for any summer BBQ. Have you tried anything new yet in the past 4 weeks?

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