
Runner’s Pancakes

Pancakes are a staple in our house, and this recipe comes to you just in time to prepare for National Pancake Day, March 7th! We experiment with different recipes and try different combos all the time. Maybe it dates back to my childhood when my Grandma would make all sorts of flavored pancakes for us — often times for dinner. So this recipe is a revised version of one that has been on the blog since 2012. We have changed our eating habits since then, so I thought it was a good time to update this to reflect our new tastes and nutrition. Enjoy!

Runner’s Pancakes
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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Yield: 16 - 1/4 c. pancakes

Runner’s Pancakes


Combine all these dry ingredients in a large bowl:

2 c. Einkorn flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Combine all these ingredients in your blender, in the order listed:

2 c. nut milk of choice

1 TBSP nut butter of choice

1 TBSP honey

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/2 tsp. almond extract

2 small bananas, peeled and broken in half

2 TBSP chia seeds (once you add these, immediately blend all ingredients on high, until no lumps remain)


    1. Add liquid mixture, to the dry mixture and stir well to combine.

    2. Scoop batter onto greased griddle or pan using a 1/4 c. measuring cup

    3. After about 3-4 minutes, or until the edges start to turn brown, flip and cook on other side for about 2-3 minutes.

    4. Serve warm, topped with your favorite fresh fruit and/or maple syrup.

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Here is a little slideshow to show a visual step-by-step, if you don’t have a blender.

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Do you ever eat pancakes for dinner?

Fitness Update Feb 23rd

Race day is almost here! Ahhhhhhhhh. For some of you, you may know exactly what this feels like… for others maybe not. Here’s a quick explanation: the week before a half marathon I decrease my workouts to almost nothing. This is called a taper, because you are tapering your workout to less and less distance and intensity. This allows your muscles to repair, preparing you to be at peak performance come race day. It can also lead you to the “taper crazies” as some call it, because you are suddenly burning less calories, expending less energy and as your muscles recover and repair, you feel twinges and tightness causing you to freak out a little bit.

Below are the workouts I did over the past week:

LONG RUN day; last long run before the race – 8 miles with first half easy paced, second half pushing a bit

FroYo 5k Run/Walk with my #FitFam


Leisurely 11 mile bike ride with my #FitFam at sunset

Yoga in a.m. and hike + some running in p.m. with, you guessed it, my #FitFam

25 minutes of dancing around to my race day playlist like a fool. It was awesome. I just needed to get the heart rate up and the blood pumping.

Yoga and mediation to start the day!

Here are the previous week’s workouts for comparison.

Feb. 16th

Feb. 9th

Feb. 2nd

Jan. 25th

Below is the snapshot of my Strava calendar to hold me accountable!

Here is a sample of my Be Well Fitness Log, still plugging away at it! 🙂

What do you change in your workouts when you taper for a race? Do you think you will try tapering before your next big event, if you haven’t already?

Until next week!

Sleep hard.
Get moving.
Trust Your Gut.