
2017 Goals and Help Wanted

I need your help! You may have seen my New Year post on Facebook, about starting 2017 with some goals and plans! If not, I’ll save you the trouble of clicking and let you read it here:

2017 is here! To some it’s just another day, but in this house it’s a fresh start; a new beginning. We have both set goals for ourselves, WRITTEN them down and formed a plan for how to reach those goals. As I mentioned last week, 2017 is going to be a very different focus for me than 2016 was. I’m so excited and relieved that my focus has shifted. It’s a good feeling putting effort into something I know I can actually control. 2016 was filled with a lot of unknowns and a lot of hoping; not an area I excel in but at least I gave it a good solid effort. I have some clear cut goals for my fitness and nutrition mapped out for the next 3 months. Come the end of March I will set some more! Set your goals high and be sure to create a plan on how to reach those goals! Otherwise they are just good intentions

Setting goals or resolutions is one thing, it’s a great starting point… but until you create a PLAN for how you will achieve those goals, they won’t materialize out of thin air. I enjoy following a list, and following a plan — I’m just not very good at forcing myself to SIT DOWN and create said plan. haha

Over the past week I’ve sat down multiple times and chipped away at this. Using multiple planners, calendars and notepads to sort my thoughts and track various things. I created calendar appointments, alerts on my phone and scheduled my workouts 3 months out.

This was my final push to wrap up planning on Monday night; I’m not gonna lie. I got a headache and was feeling very stressed! But once I got it DONE I felt great; accomplished.

I’m sharing all of this, because I want you to succeed in 2017! So many people set goals, but forget to plan. If you have goals and dreams for 2017, you need to do the work to reach them… and this is your friendly reminder!

One of my goals for 2017 is to get this blog back to where it was before I took a break from blogging. <— Scratch that …is to get this blog to a place where it is providing value and serving YOU, my reader.


If you are a reader of Zucchini Runner, please please please I beg of you (and if you know me, you know that is not my thing, so I’m super serious here) PLEASE take this short survey to help me better serve YOU. Yes, this blog has always been for me to track my fitness and recipes, but in 2017 I want it to be so much more. Sharing my posts, liking my posts, and commenting (here, or on social media) is how I get to know YOU, too.

  •  If you share something, I know you enjoyed it and that you also think others will too.
  • If you comment, I get to know you even better!

I’m not an expert, I’m just a person trying to give back by sharing my journey, knowledge, and the experience I do have. We are all at different points on our personal journey’s and I’d like to learn from you too.

So in the interest of sharing some of me, with you here are some of my goals for 2017:

  • incorporate more strength training and be on a regular run schedule again
  • get healthy for ME, not for the hopes of a pregnancy
  • actively LIVE in the present; using meditation as a tool 1-2 times daily
  • run 1,300 miles (let’s keep in mind I ran roughly 500 miles in 2016; lowest mileage year in a long, long time)
  • send paper birthday cards to my immediate family again (yes, via snail mail!)
  • read 10 books from start to FINISH ( <– this is a TALL order for me. But it also includes audio books, so I should be able to do this! Hellooooo Audible!)
  • as stated above, get my blog to a place where it provides value and serves others
  • many more goals, but this is the short list!

Now, please please go take the survey! Thank you so much. You all ROCK!

My Life Changer

Today’s post is going to be a little different, instead of writing a post, I recorded one! This six and a half minute video describes one of the most pivotal moments in my life, which shaped me into who I am today… without me even realizing it until VERY recently.

Up until a couple of months ago, this was always just a part of my life, which I didn’t give much thought. Once I stepped back for a different view of myself, I recognized how much this altered my day-to-day view of everyday life.

Do you have a similar moment which really shaped you into who you are?

If you enjoyed this video, please comment and let me know!