Archives for cold-busting

Day 5: A Week in the Life of a Plant-Based Diet


Today was a rough day for me fighting this cold. My positivity was almost non-existent and my head felt like a medicine ball trying to balance on a teeny, tiny, floppy pole. My back aches from sneezing all day yesterday and being unable to breath through my nose is getting old. Anyway, it wasn’t pretty. Head colds are my go-to colds. It’s the same thing every time – luckily this one seems fairly fast moving for me, so for that I am thankful. Having said that, the food for today was pretty boring, but again very real.

Pre-Breakfast (religiously, every single morning)

Just like the start of  Day 1Day 2Day 3 and Day 4, I had my Green Machine by Naked Juice, to wash down all my vitamins/supplements. Today like yesterday, I went for a full 8 oz. to give me extra cold busting nutrients. Of course I also took my Barlean’s Omega Vegan Swirl  3-6-9 supplement~ 200 calories, 38 carbs, 5 g fat, 2 g protein


Breakfast didn’t happen until lunch today. I’m not burning any calories besides fighting this cold, so it took me a while to get hungry after pre-breakfast. 😉2013-02-26_11-39-21_412  I wanted something warm and comforting, so oatmeal fit the bill! Oats, homemade almond milk, dried tart cherries, almonds, banana, honey, cinnamon and Maca Powder for extra nutrition as well. (You should check it out!) This meal was LOADED with calories (mostly due to the almonds I ate while making it and PUT in it…) and I could barely finish the bowl! ~ 645 calories, 99 carbs, 24 g fat, 18 g protein2013-02-26_11-41-53_159


Throughout the day I had a few snacks. A cup of butternut squash soup from last night, the last of the chia seed pudding, a gluten-free oat cracker and an apple with homemade peanut butter with a little honey. Can you tell I was feeding my emotions today? Oh yeah. ~ 496 calories, 77 carbs, 20 g fat, 14 g protein

2013-02-26_17-54-13_363 2013-02-26_16-30-58_106imageDinner

To complete the need for comfort food today, I made breakfast for dinner. Cause why not? Exactly what I had yesterday morning, only I used more yellow squash and zucchini today. ~ 173 calories, 20 carbs, 0 fat, 22 g protein

2013-02-26_19-53-51_2662013-02-26_20-05-34_316One final note for the day: Besides LOVING the warm water with lemon and honey I’ve been drinking numerous times each day, there are a few things that have really helped my cold. Since we are in the season of sickness, I wanted to spread the knowledge. These Herbal Pastilles by Traditional Medicinals work wonders! They are completely sugar free and are more than just a cough drop.

2013-02-26_13-06-25_596Now, this puppy. WOW. Dan picked this up for me tonight on his way home, per my request. It is SPICY. The taste isn’t bad and it really opened things up for me! Just two sprays in the mouth as needed. I would highly recommend this if you are fighting a head cold. It has everything from cayenne to horseradish!


Grand totals for today:

Calories = 1,514

Carbs = 234 g

Fat = 49 g

Protein = 56 g (that’s 11 g over my RDA…)

Thanks to My Fitness Pal for making it so easy to track calories!