Archives for inspiration


As I am lying here doing my physical therapy at home, I look up and see posters that remind me of my running accomplishments: A poster my friend Sarah made me, to cheer me on at mile 5, of a half marathon last November.


And a cloth tapestry my sister made for me when I completed my very first marathon. She surprised me, all the way from northern Nevada at the race finish in San Diego.


Not to mention the numerous metals hanging on the wall; mostly just finishers medals but some were for placements.

I see these works of art every day, but for some reason today they “spoke” to me. They simply said, you will run pain-free again. Your running days aren’t over.

It also reminded me of where I was 3 years ago, and 5 years ago; with injuries that prevented me from running. I got through those times and I became a stronger runner. I can only look at the past and see where it brought me and assume this path will be the same. It may take longer, but I will get there. Until then I will have to be happy riding my bike and finding other ways to stay in shape, burn calories and sweat!! This too shall pass.