Archives for natural fertility

Thank You

There are so many deep thoughts that don’t make it onto this blog. Thoughts that get scribbled into hand-written journals, thoughts I randomly share on Instagram or Facebook, and thoughts I quickly pop into the Notepad app on my computer, iPhone or iPad. Today’s thought has been swirling around in my head since last week, so I felt it deserved a special Monday post.

This past year has been one of growth and learning for me. That’s why last week’s post didn’t seem like a big deal to write — at all — and I had zero reservations about sharing it. Yet so many women reached out to me publicly and privately saying how ‘difficult it must have been’.

Let me tell you, once you are 6+ years into a journey like this one, you are eventually stripped of all modesty or fear. Eventually you find that the only way to continue forward is to bear it all; because sharing the burden is far easier than struggling with it alone.

If I hadn’t allowed myself to open up a couple years ago, I think I would have exploded. So this is simply my long-winded way of saying THANK YOU.

Thank you for sharing your stories with me. Thank you for reading my long, heartfelt post. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for caring. And to those of you who have experienced or are experiencing the same thing — all my love, hugs and patience to you. If there is ONE thing I have learned through all of this, the only thing you can fully control are your thoughts. So meditate, journal, talk to your doctor (a GOOD doctor who will sit and listen to YOUR needs and wants), talk to your partner, talk to your family and friends. Don’t bottle it all up inside.

Love yourself. Know you are loved. And whatever you do, don’t stress about being perfect, surrender to your perceived imperfections instead and see what happens. <3


Coming up Wednesday… it’s either going to be gluten-free and vegan biscuits OR how to make yourself a delicious homemade latte without boxed nut milks. Come to think of it, maybe I’ll do both! 🙂 Biscuits and coffee… perfect for the First Day of Autumn.