Archives for plant-based eating

Plant-Based Eating :: Volume II Day 6

Day 6 Volume II

Yesterday I talked about making healthy, plant-based food choices a priority. My other priority is working out. I have to say that my standard Wednesday workout that I usually “sleep run” through – was the HARDEST run I’ve had in a long, long time this morning. I really need a temperature gauge that tells me the humidity too. It straight up lied to me this morning when it said 84°F. I thought I was heading into a Neverland of easy, breezy running. NOPE. Sweat fest instead. Ok, so it wasn’t JUST the weather’s fault, it could have been the lack of sleep and killer workout I got yesterday too. Everything that jiggles when you run, hurt this morning. Not only was I hurting from yesterday’s plyometrics workout, I was also hurting from Monday’s chest, tris and shoulders workout. Oi. Anyway, I got it done, I pushed through and I survived, because talking myself out of it wasn’t an option. In the past, as soon as I mentally gave myself that out, I would almost always take it. If I tell myself, “This is what you are doing.” I get it done. (Is that a bib of drool, or sweat? Sheesh. I am not used to 50% humidity! It is typically 15% here in AZ.IMG_2883

day 6 run

I made a “small” smoothie of water, a banana, frozen cherries, frozen pineapple, fresh spinach, fresh blueberries, maca powder and juice from one lemon. (247 calories, 62 carbs, 0 fat, 5 g protein)IMG_2890

I added ACUTE to my vitamins today, to help with inflammation in my muscles. The cherry and pineapple in the smoothie also help with that as well. IMG_2891

The other portion of my breakfast was an egg white omelette with onion, garlic, tomato, and spinach topped with tomatillo salsa and some leftover cashew cream from Day 4‘s raw zucchini dinner. (211 calories, 15 carbs, 3 g fat, 30 g protein)

Pre-packaged and delicious salad from Trader Joe’s! (240 calories, 25 carbs, 14 g fat, 3 g protein)IMG_2910Some almonds before my chiropractic appointment. (68 calories, 2 carbs, 6 g fat, 3 g protein)


This was an amazing snack! It tasted like a healthier version of a caramel apple with nuts! The only sugar was from the apple and it was high in protein! All the fats in this were good fats too, with the exception of the peanut butter which has saturated fat. But I’d eat this over a store bought sugar fest apple any day!  Peanut butter, pepitas, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and an apple. (457 calories, 29 carbs, 31 g fat, 17 g protein)IMG_2915Before heading out the door to ceramics, I ate a peanut butter chocolate bar by EnviroKids. 😉 (120 calories, 18 carbs, 5 g fat, 2 g protein)


I also had the rest of my Synergy from Day 5… there are two servings in a jar… fyi. 😉 Here is a good reminder to check the serving size on foods and drinks, because many times, there is more than one serving! (75 calories, 8 carbs, 3 g fat, 2 g protein)IMG_2918

It has become tradition that on my way to ceramics class – my *me* time – I stop by Dutch Brothers and get a tasty coffee beverage. My latest favorite is a half caff iced latte with coconut milk. SO GOOD. I’m GUESSING on this info… (160 calories, 20 carbs, 9 g fat, 0 protein)IMG_2919Tonight’s class was a good one, because I had some pieces from both the glaze firing and the bisque firing. I was also able to throw 4 small vases/pots. If you live in the Valley of the Sun and you are interested in taking a ceramics class, I highly recommend Mesa Arts Center. They have a wide variety of classes! I’m always eyeing the glass blowing class next door to the ceramics studio, but then I think I don’t want to get burnt by 13,456,345° glass! o_O

IMG_2939I always need to have a small dinner when I get home, since class is right when I would normally eat dinner (which also explains all the snacks beforehand!) I microwaved a potato, added some more zucchini cashew alfredo from two days ago (see Day 4) and topped it with some salsa. It was really good AND quick. (439 calories, 34 carbs, 6 g fat, 6 g protein) I’m stuffed!!! Which is a good thing, I need to fuel those muscles to help them heal from all the wear and tear from the last 24 hours.


Grand totals for today were:

Calories – 2,017

Carbs – 213

Fat – 75 g (a little high – darn you peanut butter, why do you taste so good?!)

Protein – 67 g

Sugar – 105 g (highest culprits today? banana, apple, coconut milk and the DRESSING from Trader Joe’s salad!)

Plant-Based Eating :: Volume II Day 5

Day 5 Volume II

There are two main reasons I’m doing this food journal. I want to show people what it truly means to eat food that focuses on plants first and foremost. Plants get a bum wrap most of the time, because farmer’s aren’t paying for billboards in the same way fast food chains are. Our society is currently not built on the principle that good food, with high nutrients, which takes more time and thought to prepare should be a way of life. Our society has devolved to quick, cheap, unhealthy. I’m doing this food journal to show you that even when every minute of your day is accounted for, you can (and should) make time for healthier foods. You deserve it! I’m of the strong belief that eating fast food is a good way to punish your body. But, I’ll save THAT rant for another day! Reach for a plant first, or make the plant at least part of the snack or meal, even if it can’t be the star every time. It CAN be done. My journaling is proof. Not every day is ideal or how I want it to be – it’s not all planned out a week in advance either. But we (Mr. Zucchini Runner and I) have made a choice to make clean eating a priority

The second reason I wanted to journal my food, I’ve already touched on in Day 1… to hold myself accountable and have a little check-in. If I had to track my food every single day to the extent I am now, it wouldn’t last; I would burn out. But I like to do it for a few days every month to remind myself and educate myself on WHAT’S in the food I’m eating. Even foods that seem to be healthy, sometimes aren’t so much! 

Having said that, I have been BUSY this week. So incredibly busy. So, I apologize if this post feels abrupt! Happy, healthy eating my friends! Remember, it’s all about small, simple choices every day, every hour. 

Breakfast was in two parts: cereal with homemade almond milk and fresh cherries at home, then at work I had oatmeal with more homemade almond milk, dried cherries, dried pineapple, almonds and water. (560 calories, 100 carbs, 12 g fat, 13 g protein)IMG_2844

Tasted WAY better than it looked!! 

For lunch I had what you see pictured below 😉 (330 calories, 32 carbs, 19 g fat, 10 g protein)IMG_2847

As a gross afternoon snack, I had this banana that should have been used in bread. (110 calories, 30 carbs, 1 g protein)IMG_2848

I was starving and had a tough workout ahead of me, so I ate a Clif bar on my drive home from work. (240 calories, 40 carbs, 6 g fat, 11 g protein)IMG_2849


As soon as I got home, I did my P90X plyometrics workout, followed by a 2 mile run to help shakeout my legs for the next morning’s run! (Trying to keep the lactic acid from building up too much!) I’m not entirely sure how many calories I burned, but I sweat A LOT and got an amazing workout. I am not smiling in the plyo pics either, that is a PAINED face! lol The one in the middle is after my run!IMG_2908Once I cooled down a bit, I took Vega’s Sport Recovery Accelerator with some almond milk and water. (Lots of homemade almond milk today!) (95 calories, 18 carbs, 1 g fat, 5 g protein)


Lots of good stuff in there!IMG_2876

Just when I was trying to figure out what to eat for dinner, Mr. Zucchini Runner called me on his way home sounding exhausted and hungry. We met up at the grocery store and shopped quickly to get our groceries we so desperately needed! We both grabbed a Synergy and drank them in LINE (after it was scanned…) (75 calories, 8 carbs, 3 g fat, 2 g protein – I only drank half, I needed FOOD not more liquids so I didn’t want to fill up…)IMG_2878

It was 10 p.m. and we whipped up this dinner in 20 minutes from the items we needed to get rid of in the fridge. We realized once we sat down to eat, that the only NEW items from the store were tomatoes and spinach! Ah well 🙂 Now we are set for a few days anyway. (200 calories, 34 carbs, 5 g fat, 7 g protein)IMG_2879

I was still hungry and wanted something sweet, so I ate one of these, which we’ve had in the freezer FOREVER. One of the banana slices were clearly freezer burnt. Mmmmm… (kidding.) (Calories 100, 13 carbs, 5 g fat, 1 g protein)IMG_2880

Grand totals for the day were LOW, given the workouts I did, but I did my best and I will try again tomorrow!

Calories 1,709

Carbs 275

Fat 51 g

Protein 50 g

Sugar 120 g (YIKES too much sugar today for sure…)